Fall Music & Voice Lessons

It's Fall! Kids are back in school and this pandemic is finally beginning to lose. That being said, we are still being cautious as children's vaccines are on the way. We are teaching drums, guitar, bass, voice/vocal, piano, violin, and ukulele lessons in person and online. The pandemic has forced us to have a strong online program, (along with in person teaching.) Even though online has slowed down, it will always be available for the convenience of our students.

Drums, Guitar, Bass, Voice/Vocal, Piano, Violin, and Uke options give students many choices. If you try a lesson and don't feel it, try another instrument. If you like the instrument but don't feel the teacher connection, try another teacher. However, be aware it can take a few months to develop chemistry between two people and an instrument, for that matter. Our teachers are degreed and our prices are reasonable.

Flying Hands... drums, guitar, bass, voice/vocal, piano, violin, and uke instruction. Any level. Come to the Best!


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Back to School Music Lessons: In Person or Online