Learn to be a Diverse Musician!

Whether you take lessons in drums, piano, voice, violin, sax, guitar, bass or ukulele, it is important to be diverse. Why? For one, the more you learn about different styles of music, the more well-rounded you will be. Take things you're learning and apply them to your own developing style. Also, if you become a professional, you will work a lot more if you can handle different styles.

Drum lessons will teach rock, but also teach marching band rudiments for technique. How different are Latin drums? Very different.

Guitar and Piano studies should teach you to read music but improvisation is important, as well. Learning the Blues can lead into Rock, Country and even Jazz styles.

Violinists study Classical music, which is the most technically challenging of styles. However, many classical musicians can't improvise.

Voice students should also be diverse!

I play guitar at church, along with different gigs. I try to keep up with classical, jazz, blues and rock guitar styles. Why? Because I still thrive on learning and improving.


Summer Music Lessons!


Spring Music Lessons!