New Year Virtual and Limited In-Person Lessons

With people still semi locked down and a new year beginning, NOW is the time to start music lessons. Whether it's bass, guitar, piano, sax, violin, voice or drums we here and ready to get you started. Try ukulele for kids under 7 that want to go into guitar. We recommend our successful one on one virtual classes, but have limited in person, as


Studying music is a great endeavor that brings joy to all. A musical instrument is something you can play for the rest of your life and it's great for the brain! Bass, guitar, voice, drums or ukulele lessons are all different and it may take some switching around to find your niche.

We're always happy to take $10.00 off your 1st lesson and if the recession is affecting you, come every other week for half price. We have degreed teachers, a flat monthly fee with no extra charge for 5 week mos and free registration. Try lessons on bass, guitar, piano, sax, violin, voice, drums, or uke. Family discounts!


Vaccines Are Here!


Lesson Solutions For A Recession & Covid