The Advantage of Private Music Lessons

Whether you're learning guitar, piano, drums or voice, private lessons are the best! I took Adult Ed group guitar at my school as a kid and learned some basic chords in about 6 weeks. I was already playing by ear when I started private lessons, so learning to read music was a challenge. So many of these Rock group classes just throw kids into a band situation. Some encourage private lessons, as well. However, this can get expensive quickly and doesn't give the student a chance to develop properly.

We prefer to teach violin, ukulele, banjo, guitar, piano and voice initially as private lessons. Our goal is to tailor fit each student's strengths and weaknesses. Sure we have them read notes, but technique is also very crucial. Learning bad habits early are very hard to break. We want kids to know some theory, as well. We also encourage the music they like to hold their interest.

Once the student has developed some in a technical environment, we encourage group classes. When a student is ready or requests this we put together a rock ensemble with a performance at the end. Ultimately, playing with others is the most fun and you grow a lot from it. Just don't jump into that situation without proper training! Guitar, bass, piano, drums and voice really do need private lessons for structure. Would you send your kid to a baseball tryout without having practiced catching and hitting with a bat first?

Brian Curella,


Master Your Instrument Before Trying Another


Music Lessons For The New Year 2022